Helping People Relieve Their Pain Related To Their Spine and Return Them to a Higher Quality of Life


Help us understand what's causing your neck or back pain so we can evaluate you and offer a solution to your pain. Take a moment to answer some questions about your pain, the history of the pain and we will get back to you as soon as possible with your results and potential solutions.Open Endoscopically Assisted Tubular Retractor Surgery is an outpatient surgical procedure to remove herniated disc material. Using local anesthesia with the help of x-ray fluoroscopy a needle, then guidewire, then dilator and working cannula are placed in succession of each other to open a small 7mm or ¼ inch portal. Once the working portal is established a specially designed endoscope and attached HD camera for magnified video are inserted into the cannula. The physician has superior endoscopic visualization of the anatomy and the herniated disc and with tiny surgical instruments can selectively remove a small portion of the disc that is compressing the spinal nerve and eliminate the patients pain.

The procedure takes about an hour, on average. X-ray exposure is minimal. You normally will feel little, if any pain or discomfort. There are no stitches. Upon completion, the endoscope and cannula are removed and a small Band-Aid is placed over the incision. The amount of nucleus tissue removed varies but the supporting structure of the disc is not affected by the surgery. The access route to the disc consists of only the ¼ inch small puncture site, usually the size of a freckle, in comparison to large incisions required for open surgery.

Open Endoscopically Assisted Tubular Retractor Surgery is different from open lumbar disc surgery because there is no traumatic back muscle dissection, no bone removal, or large skin incision. The risk of complications from scarring, blood loss, infection, and anesthesia that may occur with conventional surgery are drastically reduced or eliminated with this procedure. Open Endoscopically Assisted Tubular Retractor Surgery was invented to be an effective treatment for herniated discs while avoiding these risks.

Please take a moment to tell us a little about yourself and your needs. A member from Jasper Spine Institute will contact you as soon as possible. If your needs are urgent please contact us by phone at (732) 262-0700.